By publishing their Endotoxin and other declared Covid19 test claiming "Pass" for every Lot foisted and Mandated on the Australian public, TGA does so under its real or implied Duty of Care. Their refusal to release actual measurement data means they have much to hide.
According to BitChute, it was 3 years ago when I posted this video, so that means that right from the start, these miscreants were telling the Australian population that they would not look after them, and that they intended to place blame on the vaxx recipients for getting injured:
Amazing level of psychopathy! We all clearly remember how vaxx harms were being hidden/censored at that time, and how even those who couldn't be hidden were being labeled as "very rare".
Notice also that these same criminals were also reassuring doctors that they could chance harming their patients with total impunity, that the State had their arses covered.
I imagine that Australia, as well as every Westen country has over the decades had legislation enacted that indemnifies medical malfeasance and murder, as well as existing legislation modified to such purposes... see here, US example:
From the very beginning of the scamdemic, many doctors were successfully treating patients early and keeping them out of harm, compared to the doctors following the protocol of "no treatment is possible/known, just send the patient home and if they later worsen, have them come to the hospital".
Three examples of doctors treating patients instead of sending them home untreated:
Notice how much was known already very early in 2020 about easy, inexpensive, virtually risk-free treatments, and there were many, many similar instances of doctors successfully treating patients with various other modalities.
See the links at the bottom of the description here. This video is an update to the previous with extra commentary from Dr. Roger Hodkinson.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson, back in May 2021 was already talking about the corruption at the highest levels of the Medical Establishment (second Hodkinson section). He has been taking a courageous stance since the very beginning.
Now the degenerate politicians/lawyers/etc. are now going to be blaming the victims for having listened to their governmental agencies and lying politicians after having been endlessly told that the vaxxes were safe and effective.
This is how sick and degenerate these people are, these people with whom you put all of your trust and faith, to assure yourselves that these experimental no-long-term-safety-studies gene therapies are safe.
Have you thought this through?
When people's livelihoods are threatened, there is NO CHOICE, there is only coercion.
Dress it up any way you like, but in the end, coercion is coercion, no matter what lipstick is applied.
My sister is being threatened with loss of employment by Université de Moncton if she does not subject herself to experimental jabs.
How many people have you known who have been similarly coerced/threatened? You yourselves? When you get sick, your doctors, insurance reps, government agencies, politicians, etc. will say that you took risks and are solely responsible for your misfortunes.
You should also be aware that your Ruling Class has been bribing your schools and hospitals, in order to corrupt them, so as to get them to play along.
Thank you Dr Mel. Your paragraph asking ‘what percentage of Australians accepted the vaccines after being told side effects are very rare and if injured, we would be compensated’ includes myself.
I was mandated, I’m medical, and I trusted the narrative. 🙏
What would stop the guilty parties in this case from doing the same thing again? Where’s the accountability? The guilty parties are simply trying to avoid their responsibilities. If it was up to me each politician and public servant would risk the loss of their assets and good name. It would make them cautious about pushing mandates and encouraging businesses to sack those who don’t comply. I would imagine every Australian who complied believed the guilty parties had a duty of care to them. The fact that every recipient of these experimental gene therapies has been exposed to so much risk through DNA contamination in addition to the growing number of adverse events due to the toxic spike protein being transported around the body. Australians will hold the guilty parties accountable irrespective of what the court determines and they will be reminded of their actions every minute of every day until they eventually die.
Listened to todays arguments by the lawyer for the respondents. What's clear is that the government solicitors (not just in this case, but all previous cases relating to the last 5 years) are the best (taxpayer) money can buy. The judge was far more inclined to listen to her rather than to the plaintiffs solicitor. These cases are so frustrating because the government appears to have covered all of their bases, effectively using language to deceive & to protect themselves. It's like trying to attack an impenetrable fortress. The results of government policy have been & continue to be carnage, yet we the people cannot seem to be able to pin anything on them in any courts of law.
Thank you very much for the detailed update Mel. How many cases like our family’s are still to be assessed through the Scheme? How long will that process take?
You know our journey and you know how much I admire you for your courage and tenacity. Keep strong.
In view of the lack of extensive testing that is required for novel therapeutics, I can’t see that the government can argue that there is no blame for adverse reactions since they could not have known that they were “probable”. Well yes, but had they done sufficient, efficient and reported testing or even heeded long term problems with using this technology with corona viruses, we would have had a different outcome.
I wish to thank all those brave vaccine injured who were tricked by all the propaganda to come forward and seek Justice, not for themselves but for others and to stop these crimes from affecting our children … too much needs to be said for all the Good efforts against the evil depopulation agenda by World Economic Forum (WEF) protagonists infiltrating Govt and the Judiciary. Malcolm Turnbull said there would be no debate on vaccines- creating a dictatorship. Scott Morrison said he woul give a free funeral for those that died after the depop bioweapon ( classification by former biological weapons treaty author/contributor, Law Professor, Professor Mr Francis Boyle) . The HCCC censored health professionals for trying to warn the public so this in itself proves culpability. Christ is Lord so even though we may end up with nothing from these satanic forces.. In thanksgiving we acknowledge Lord You are Majestic ! Help us end Big Pharma Information Bias ( BPIB) . The TGA misled the Public about intravenous Vitamin-C (IVC) at 1gram/kg per patient weight/ day ( Report sent to Aust. Govt. By myself Nov. 2019 before the scamdemic started … another publication , “A World At Risk”, by GPMB Sept 19th 2019 on page 10, states that the U.N. /W.H.O. Planned the intentional release of two respiratory pathogens in a system-wide [World-wide] exercise/ simulation ) . The TGA misled the Public about intravenous Vitamin-C (IVC) at 1 gram/kg per patient weight/ day until well by referencing a study that used too little IVC at 6 grams per day instead of the effective dose of 60 grams per day, there is a ten-fold difference. Is the myeloid protein in the mRNA bioweapon related/linked to a myeloid clots of dead jabbed people? Is the myeloid protein of the mRNA spike protein Gene Technology( GT) integrated into the amyloid found in mRNA GT inoculated subjects later found to develop Cardiac Amyloidosis? Is this mRNA GT bioweapon linked to cases of Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) ? How long is the TGA saying is safe for mRNA GT toxic spike protein synthesis ? Days, Weeks, Months ?
How long is the TGA saying that prolonged mRNA depop bioweapon toxic amyloid spike protein synthesis is harmful ? Days, weeks, months ? Did the TGA warn the public about harmful integration of toxic mRNA spike protein amyloid into multiple organ systems is uncontrollable? Did the TGA receive most of its funding from Big Pharma ? This is a conflict of interest. These companies have been successfully sued for fraud. Fraud is when you say that seasonal influenza disappears one year and Covid-19 made from a Lab appears to replace all known cases of influenza. When the Covid-19 tests do not discriminate between normal seasonal influenza and the Covid-19 virus then surely commonsense tells you some prestidigitation in the number of Covid-19 cases is being unleashed on a trusting and gullible Public, a Public that needs re-education, forgiveness and our compassion.
COVID was perhaps the peak of “we know the strategy is ineffective, but we need to do SOMETHING”. (Remember those dumb social distancing circles?) As a society, we’ve had enough of that type of posturing. Come and check out our latest article “Just Say No to Performative Policy”! - all about how moral posturing has given rise to illogical policy on issues like Climate Change, racism, and yes--COVID!
Thankyou Dr Melissa Mc Cann .... for this detailed information...
I’ll be reading through it, in extremely fine detail.... it’s more important than ever
Thank you for your amazing stand ... I understand the risk/s involved , and dedication you have for justice ...
Les ...
Les Catterwell
Adelaide SA
By publishing their Endotoxin and other declared Covid19 test claiming "Pass" for every Lot foisted and Mandated on the Australian public, TGA does so under its real or implied Duty of Care. Their refusal to release actual measurement data means they have much to hide.
Thank you Bex any support is so veryappreciated, the crowd funding is here 🙏
According to BitChute, it was 3 years ago when I posted this video, so that means that right from the start, these miscreants were telling the Australian population that they would not look after them, and that they intended to place blame on the vaxx recipients for getting injured:
Amazing level of psychopathy! We all clearly remember how vaxx harms were being hidden/censored at that time, and how even those who couldn't be hidden were being labeled as "very rare".
Notice also that these same criminals were also reassuring doctors that they could chance harming their patients with total impunity, that the State had their arses covered.
I imagine that Australia, as well as every Westen country has over the decades had legislation enacted that indemnifies medical malfeasance and murder, as well as existing legislation modified to such purposes... see here, US example:
From the very beginning of the scamdemic, many doctors were successfully treating patients early and keeping them out of harm, compared to the doctors following the protocol of "no treatment is possible/known, just send the patient home and if they later worsen, have them come to the hospital".
Three examples of doctors treating patients instead of sending them home untreated:
Notice how much was known already very early in 2020 about easy, inexpensive, virtually risk-free treatments, and there were many, many similar instances of doctors successfully treating patients with various other modalities.
See the links at the bottom of the description here. This video is an update to the previous with extra commentary from Dr. Roger Hodkinson.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson, back in May 2021 was already talking about the corruption at the highest levels of the Medical Establishment (second Hodkinson section). He has been taking a courageous stance since the very beginning.
Now the degenerate politicians/lawyers/etc. are now going to be blaming the victims for having listened to their governmental agencies and lying politicians after having been endlessly told that the vaxxes were safe and effective.
This is how sick and degenerate these people are, these people with whom you put all of your trust and faith, to assure yourselves that these experimental no-long-term-safety-studies gene therapies are safe.
Have you thought this through?
When people's livelihoods are threatened, there is NO CHOICE, there is only coercion.
Dress it up any way you like, but in the end, coercion is coercion, no matter what lipstick is applied.
My sister is being threatened with loss of employment by Université de Moncton if she does not subject herself to experimental jabs.
How many people have you known who have been similarly coerced/threatened? You yourselves? When you get sick, your doctors, insurance reps, government agencies, politicians, etc. will say that you took risks and are solely responsible for your misfortunes.
This is not right, this is totally unacceptable.
More doctors/nurses/lawyers/etc. explaining how they've been stifled and attacked over the past 2+ years:
You should also be aware that your Ruling Class has been bribing your schools and hospitals, in order to corrupt them, so as to get them to play along.
The first link here is of an ordinary parent that did a bit of homework, and followed the money:
And then just below, a public health analyst that put a team together to once again follow the money.
The numbers are staggering:
Let there be no doubt, it's all been planned for decades, mistakes were definitely NOT made!
Thank you Dr Mel. Your paragraph asking ‘what percentage of Australians accepted the vaccines after being told side effects are very rare and if injured, we would be compensated’ includes myself.
I was mandated, I’m medical, and I trusted the narrative. 🙏
Thank you 🙏 Yes God Wins .. always!
Keep up the good work everyone.
What would stop the guilty parties in this case from doing the same thing again? Where’s the accountability? The guilty parties are simply trying to avoid their responsibilities. If it was up to me each politician and public servant would risk the loss of their assets and good name. It would make them cautious about pushing mandates and encouraging businesses to sack those who don’t comply. I would imagine every Australian who complied believed the guilty parties had a duty of care to them. The fact that every recipient of these experimental gene therapies has been exposed to so much risk through DNA contamination in addition to the growing number of adverse events due to the toxic spike protein being transported around the body. Australians will hold the guilty parties accountable irrespective of what the court determines and they will be reminded of their actions every minute of every day until they eventually die.
Listened to todays arguments by the lawyer for the respondents. What's clear is that the government solicitors (not just in this case, but all previous cases relating to the last 5 years) are the best (taxpayer) money can buy. The judge was far more inclined to listen to her rather than to the plaintiffs solicitor. These cases are so frustrating because the government appears to have covered all of their bases, effectively using language to deceive & to protect themselves. It's like trying to attack an impenetrable fortress. The results of government policy have been & continue to be carnage, yet we the people cannot seem to be able to pin anything on them in any courts of law.
Thankyou Melissa we need all the help we can get as we are forgotten about
Letssss goooooo
Thank you very much for the detailed update Mel. How many cases like our family’s are still to be assessed through the Scheme? How long will that process take?
You know our journey and you know how much I admire you for your courage and tenacity. Keep strong.
The truth can’t be hidden🙏
In view of the lack of extensive testing that is required for novel therapeutics, I can’t see that the government can argue that there is no blame for adverse reactions since they could not have known that they were “probable”. Well yes, but had they done sufficient, efficient and reported testing or even heeded long term problems with using this technology with corona viruses, we would have had a different outcome.
Is there a page where we can just donate an amount to help? without subscription
I wish to thank all those brave vaccine injured who were tricked by all the propaganda to come forward and seek Justice, not for themselves but for others and to stop these crimes from affecting our children … too much needs to be said for all the Good efforts against the evil depopulation agenda by World Economic Forum (WEF) protagonists infiltrating Govt and the Judiciary. Malcolm Turnbull said there would be no debate on vaccines- creating a dictatorship. Scott Morrison said he woul give a free funeral for those that died after the depop bioweapon ( classification by former biological weapons treaty author/contributor, Law Professor, Professor Mr Francis Boyle) . The HCCC censored health professionals for trying to warn the public so this in itself proves culpability. Christ is Lord so even though we may end up with nothing from these satanic forces.. In thanksgiving we acknowledge Lord You are Majestic ! Help us end Big Pharma Information Bias ( BPIB) . The TGA misled the Public about intravenous Vitamin-C (IVC) at 1gram/kg per patient weight/ day ( Report sent to Aust. Govt. By myself Nov. 2019 before the scamdemic started … another publication , “A World At Risk”, by GPMB Sept 19th 2019 on page 10, states that the U.N. /W.H.O. Planned the intentional release of two respiratory pathogens in a system-wide [World-wide] exercise/ simulation ) . The TGA misled the Public about intravenous Vitamin-C (IVC) at 1 gram/kg per patient weight/ day until well by referencing a study that used too little IVC at 6 grams per day instead of the effective dose of 60 grams per day, there is a ten-fold difference. Is the myeloid protein in the mRNA bioweapon related/linked to a myeloid clots of dead jabbed people? Is the myeloid protein of the mRNA spike protein Gene Technology( GT) integrated into the amyloid found in mRNA GT inoculated subjects later found to develop Cardiac Amyloidosis? Is this mRNA GT bioweapon linked to cases of Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) ? How long is the TGA saying is safe for mRNA GT toxic spike protein synthesis ? Days, Weeks, Months ?
How long is the TGA saying that prolonged mRNA depop bioweapon toxic amyloid spike protein synthesis is harmful ? Days, weeks, months ? Did the TGA warn the public about harmful integration of toxic mRNA spike protein amyloid into multiple organ systems is uncontrollable? Did the TGA receive most of its funding from Big Pharma ? This is a conflict of interest. These companies have been successfully sued for fraud. Fraud is when you say that seasonal influenza disappears one year and Covid-19 made from a Lab appears to replace all known cases of influenza. When the Covid-19 tests do not discriminate between normal seasonal influenza and the Covid-19 virus then surely commonsense tells you some prestidigitation in the number of Covid-19 cases is being unleashed on a trusting and gullible Public, a Public that needs re-education, forgiveness and our compassion.
COVID was perhaps the peak of “we know the strategy is ineffective, but we need to do SOMETHING”. (Remember those dumb social distancing circles?) As a society, we’ve had enough of that type of posturing. Come and check out our latest article “Just Say No to Performative Policy”! - all about how moral posturing has given rise to illogical policy on issues like Climate Change, racism, and yes--COVID!