Thankyou Dr Melissa Mc Cann .... for this detailed information...

I’ll be reading through it, in extremely fine detail.... it’s more important than ever

Thank you for your amazing stand ... I understand the risk/s involved , and dedication you have for justice ...

Les ...

Les Catterwell

Adelaide SA

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Thank you 🙏 Yes God Wins .. always!

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Keep up the good work everyone.

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By publishing their Endotoxin and other declared Covid19 test claiming "Pass" for every Lot foisted and Mandated on the Australian public, TGA does so under its real or implied Duty of Care. Their refusal to release actual measurement data means they have much to hide.


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Thank you very much for the detailed update Mel. How many cases like our family’s are still to be assessed through the Scheme? How long will that process take?

You know our journey and you know how much I admire you for your courage and tenacity. Keep strong.

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The truth can’t be hidden🙏

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Thank you Dr Mel. Your paragraph asking ‘what percentage of Australians accepted the vaccines after being told side effects are very rare and if injured, we would be compensated’ includes myself.

I was mandated, I’m medical, and I trusted the narrative. 🙏

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In view of the lack of extensive testing that is required for novel therapeutics, I can’t see that the government can argue that there is no blame for adverse reactions since they could not have known that they were “probable”. Well yes, but had they done sufficient, efficient and reported testing or even heeded long term problems with using this technology with corona viruses, we would have had a different outcome.

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