Dr. McCann,

Thank you.

You are in good company with AMPS, Clive, Tucker & Dinesh; such a good presentation.

We note that a previous article in Lancet, pulled within 24 hours, is now back after 'peer review' and has good data at ELSEVIER on the science direct website: A Systematic Review of Autopsy findings.....

We wish you and your team best wishes and continued success. Well done!!

Sunny Pshebylo

Gold Coast

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Hi Melissa

I saw you last night at the Australian Freedom Conference in Brisbane.

Thank you for being a stand out Dr.

Courage is definitely a virtue, if only more Drs had this strength, medicine would not be in a compromised/corrupted condition.

I want to see the TGA and their fellow conspirators held to account for their deliberate deception in operation cv19.

I call them the donkeys/burros, they carry the sacks of gold for the medical mafia.

You may like to read my articles:

We breathe air not oxygen

I explain why oxygen is toxic and can kill.

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